Tretchikoff’s ‘Green Lady’ Reimagined for 2019 by London Artist Mark Denton Esq.



The classic kitsch starter print, Tretchikoff’s ‘Chinese Girl’ AKA ‘The Green Lady’ has been reimagined by London-based artist Mark Denton Esq.

The original painting from 1952 should be familiar for most people, even non-retro obsessed folks, as the artwork was mass produced and became literally one of the best-selling prints of the 20th century. Everyone had a granny or auntie, or neighbour who had The Green Lady, or a sultry gypsy girl print by JH Lynch.

Mark Denton Esq. has given Tretchikoff’s Chinese Girl a quirky refresh. I wish I could give more of an art analysis, but that’s not my bag.


A little more about Mark from the Jealous Gallery site where his work is hosted- After studying graphic design and an unglamorous start as a paste-up artist on the magazine ‘Knitter’s Digest’, Denton secured a job as an assistant typographer and visualiser at the London office of American advertising agency, Leo Burnett. In less than a decade, Mark found himself as Creative Director of his own agency and one of the most awarded Art Directors in the world.

The following years saw a foray into directing commercials and a return to his first love, graphic design. Forever seeking new forms of self-expression, Mark kept busy designing everything in his world. Clothes, jewellery, wallpaper, furniture, the labels on his tins of beans; nothing was spared his artists eye.

His designs have been exhibited across the globe, notably at ‘The Power of the Poster’ exhibition at the V&A and as a ‘living exhibit’ under the name of Nobby Bottomshuffle (one of his many alter-egos) at the National Football Museum.

You can find Mark Denton Esq.’s Green Ladies of 2019 at Jealous Gallery, based in London, who have an online store. 

Back to Basics on The World of Kitsch

I've noticed my blog posts being more sparse this year, and definitely more product orientated, so I've decided to start throwing in the sort of blog post I started The World of Kitsch with. Proper kitsch products, collated by me, on my own without partnership with a brand. Perhaps it'll kick start my love of blogging again, as it's started to feel like a chore, especially as my health is poor right now and I'm tired as it is.


So, I'll start with the most well know kitsch artist, Tretchikoff. He of Green Lady fame, his print was sold widely through the western world in the sixties and seventies. Bizarrely I don't own a Tretchikoff myself. I have works of Louis Shabner and J H Lynch, but I've never found a real life Tretchikoff in a charity shop, and can't spare the £100 or so I would need to call one my own from eBay.  

Maybe I should go the whole hog like Red or Read's Wayne Hemmingway and just have a Tretchikoff wall! 


Here is the late Amy Winehouse showing her love of the artist.


And the beautiful Lauren Laveren had the chance to be painted in Tretchikoff style. Very jealous.


For now I will have to stick to little soft furnishing touches of Tretch' round the house.


Or maybe I can be the Green Lady this Halloween?


Until I can afford my own picture mural wall anyway.


The World of Kitsch Top 5 Halloween Fancy Dress Costume Ideas

1. Daria & Jane.
Really want to do this one some year. Need a Jane to accompany me.

2. Moss from the I.T. Crowd.
A grown up version of this is cool too, but a mini-Moss is even better.

3. Tretchikoff's Green Lady.
Another one I'm determined to try out myself some year.

4. Taxidermy

5. Snoop Dogg dressed as The Count from Sesame Street. This is also known by me as, 'The Best Photo on the Internet'.

Creepy Child Picture

My ugly art wall was one of my first avenues into the huge, kitsch mess my house is in these days.

Consequently I have almost a dozen of these gypsy children framed around the house. It always annoyed me if I saw one in a charity shop lately, as I knew I didn't have any more room to take it home.

Today I had to break my 'no more haunting, creeptastic kid paintings' rule for this little madam.

Ownership was mandatory partially due to the pup being the breed we had growing up, but also the fact it was only £2.
You see, the kitschy antiques at St.George's Market, Belfast, whilst genuine and fantastic, also come with a high price tag. So getting something for two quid there, couldn't be missed out on!

I hope she will feel at home amongst my Dallas Simpson & Lou Shabner infant terrors.