Crimes of Fashion. Terrifyingly Ugly Clothing Adverts from the 60s & 70s

For the past few decades the vintage look has been in. The word has almost lost meaning with oxymoronical auction site listings boasting, "brand new vintage" dresses, coats and accessories. Language evolves and where once vintage meant a second-hand, charity shop piece of clothing, it now determines a look or feel that is instantly recognisable even in brand new items.

It's scary to think that grunge is coming back, and it's the latest vintage trend for teenagers who were literally in nappies when Kurt left us. It seems clothing becomes vintage 20 years on from its original time period. When I was a teenager in the 1990s, it was the looks of the 1970s we tried to emulate. In the period of 2000-2010 it's been the ugly 1980s that has seen a revival, and now as we enter the 2010-2020 decade, like clockwork, the 90s are back.

In my last post I shared with you parkas, a big hit of the 90s. Leggings with DMs, or floral frocks with big boots have come back too. I wonder by 2016 will we be taking pictures of Jennifer Anniston back to our hairdressers & requesting The Rachel? And what comes next? Those horrific parachute pants with all the strings hanging off them? Linkin Park t-shirts and wallet chains? Platform trainers a la Spice Girls? I better stop, I'm beginning to scare myself.

Yes, vintage doesn't always mean classy, and you need to know your stuff lest you end up looking more Marilyn Manson than Dita Von Teese. Luckily nowadays we have reams of fashion bloggers to help guide you safely into the world of vintage, by passing the horrors that should definitely be left behind. I hunted out some proper vintage looks of horror, and surprisingly the worst offenders are the men. The sock adverts are especially bad.

So, if you have anything as ugly as these crimes of fashion, why not make some money out of it by selling your clothing online to Music Magpie UK. Not all vintage clothing needs a come back.
