Creating a Retro Look at Home


It's no small secret that the retro look is very much in fashion right now, although some may like it more than others. If you're one of those who love it then you're probably interested in learning how to creatively bring this retro flare into your home.

To this end, here are a few things you might want to look into.


Anyone who's even remotely familiar with the retro theme will know that it heavily involves colour. Retro is many things, but it's rarely dull. Adding a splash of colour can make a big difference. White and primary colours are often used, for instance.

This can be done in virtually any room. Whether it's adding coloured, retro-themed glassware in your kitchen or new wallpaper in any of your rooms, this is an effect that isn't hard to achieve. It can also be cheap too. For example, taking a quick look into Sainsbury's pocket sprung mattress range will generate at least a few cheap options to brighten up any bedroom.


Geek chic

When it comes to being retro, you need the right geek chic that links back to what you like about the retro movement. Is it old pop culture, comic books or video games that interest you, for instance? If you know what area of retro you like then you can find the right ways to decorate the home using this for inspiration.

Posters and canvases are a popular choice, as they can easily exemplify any look that you're trying to create. Old posters and comic book covers are becoming quintessential artwork for the modern home. This can both represent your tastes and tie into any colourful theme in the room.

You may want to be careful, of course, to not go too far into art-deco and pop-art themes. The likes of Roy Lichtenstein images utilise strong primary colour and comic book art but this doesn't automatically mean it is retro.

At the end of the day, retro is a very broad term. What it means in relation to your home is entirely up to you and while some people want to go all-out, others might just want a small flare here and there.

The choice is always yours but, as should hopefully be seen, it doesn't take much to introduce a little more retro flavour into any home.


This is a guest post by Sainsbury’s. If you’re looking to inject some retro flair into your home then Sainsbury's have a great range of products and furnishings to help, including fantastic bed linen to go with