Discover Vegan Cuts in 2014. Cruelty-free Beauty Box or Vegan Snack Box in Monthly Subscription Form.

Over the next fortnight or so I'll be introducing you to some unusual, lesser known box subscription services. Treat yourself for January and sign up for a monthly delivery.

First up is Vegan Cuts, the animal friendly site with two box services on offer.

December's Vegan Beauty Box came with eye shadow, lip salve, and my favourite part a set of seasonal gold, silver and glittered nail polishes. The box ships from the States, but costs only $15 a month to any worldwide address, which is a super price for a service which can introduce you to cruelty free brands you may otherwise never hear of.

If a beauty box isn't your thing, and perhaps you'd like to start 2014 with some healthier snacks, why not try the Vegan Cuts Snackbox? Again it's $15 worldwide for the monthly box, less than that if you're in the US.

I love trying new snacks, so I was intrigued to try the crisps made from beans, which were black. They are delicious. The product I'm going to have to hunt down a supply of though, is the coconut milk chews, seasoned with sea salt. Outstanding!

Any questions? Find Vegan Cuts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Sign up before mid-January and you should receive your first box, or both boxes, around 20th January.


Spam Sculpture Art That Will Surely Put You Off Your Dinner

This post, of disgusting looking Spam art, is teamed up with a message of one new year resolution you can make and keep this year. I took it as my resolution last January, and it really makes a difference in my life. 

What is it? It's to take 30 seconds to unsubscribe from those emails you receive every other day and just delete. Brand emails, Groupon type deals, you delete them every day instead of looking for the link to unsubscribe. Last January I made myself look for the links, and removed myself from any emails I knew I'd just be deleting next time they arrived too. Now when I get an email, 80% of the time it's a specific message, just for me, that is actionable. It means it's worth opening my inbox every time I hear the notification.

Do it yourself, it makes such a difference, and really only takes a few more secs than pressing delete does.

Now back to the tasty Spam.

Stunning Tome of Poster Art from The Disney Parks

My Christmas present from my brother. A spot on gift for me. I collect books about Disney Parks, and I adore the vintage attraction posters, especially the retro futuristic style seen in posters for Epcot and Tomorrowland. Thank you, Michael!

If there's a certain favourite attraction you would like me to check for the poster of, give me a poke on Twitter @rudedoodle

If there's a certain favourite attraction you would like me to check for the poster of, give me a poke on Twitter @rudedoodle

20 Fantastic Fox Cakes That Escaped the Boxing Day Hunt

Here in the UK we celebrate Boxing Day, the day after Christmas. It was the traditional day when servants received a Christmas box from their employers with food and gifts. These days it's a day of leftovers eating, and sale shopping for some. It's also a day when traditionally fox hunts would be held all over the countryside. I'm pleased to say we now have a fox hunting ban in place in the UK, as it's a cruel and unnecessary sport.

To celebrate the freedom of our foxy friends, here are twenty cakes.

I Found the Kitschest, Most Magical Toy Shop Today.

Little Citizens in Holywood, Northern Ireland is a treasure trove of European design and classic toys. I could easily spend hundreds of pounds in it. I really badly want the Scandinavian doll house.

Also available on the Little Citizens webstore

Also available on the Little Citizens webstore

Alicia helped Michael pick a little toy from the retro collection

Alicia helped Michael pick a little toy from the retro collection

Don't despair if you don't like in Northern Ireland, everything is online too.

Feel Better About Your Own Bad Baking Skills- Atrociously Gingerbread House Wrecks

Not the ham. Why ham? *dry heaves*

Click to enlarge and take a closer look at any cake wreck.

Gingerbread AT-AT from Star Wars. Good, Bad & Desperately Unfortunate Attempts from Around the Web

I tried a mini gingerbread house two Christmases ago. I didn't even have to bake the thing, just stick it together with icing. It was HORRENDOUS. I ended up with a pile of collapsed biscuit covered in runny icing. I couldn't manage it at all, which means even the worst of these attempts at creating a Star Wars AT-AT from gingerbread is a thousand times better than what I could come up with.

The original which spawned an army of crunchy at-ats

The original which spawned an army of crunchy at-ats

Gym Bunnies- Here's a review of Multipower Fit Protein Lite, But Before You Faint from Shock, it's my Husband Doing the Review, I'm Terribly Unfit!

Two months ago we were sent a supply of Multipower UK protein shakes from their HQ. My husband is a gym addict, and usually takes a powdered, make-up-yourself protein shake after a work out. It helps you to lose fat, not muscle and repair your tired body. He was the ideal person to try out Multipower Fit Protein Lite ready made up shakes. Over the past two months he's been using them instead of his regular protein, here is his review, take it away Michael.

Normally it's my wife doing the reviews on here but given that she isn't of the gym going variety and I am, she passed this along to me to review.

Free protein?! I'm in.

I had readymade shakes before from the vending machine at the gym and while I'm sure they offer the nutrition required after another beast like work out, they taste pretty horrible. I don’t know who thinks that’s what strawberries taste like but I think they’ve been eating them from a bin.

I'm happy to report that this is not the case with Fit Protein Lite. Taste and texture are great, so as well as offering the required nutrition to ensure you get your gains you also get something that doesn’t seem like it's made out of gravel. I also liked the handy size, rather than having to bring your shaker and then maybe another tub of protein powder, you just grab a few bottles and dispose of them when you're done. I was given the recovery shake which packs 40g of high quality milk protein per bottle. 14g of carbs and 228 calories. All this ensures you get everything you need to get the full benefit from you work out - Michael Smyth.

This is my husband. Haven't done too badly for myself, have I? ;-)

This is my husband. Haven't done too badly for myself, have I? ;-)