The Sickeningly Twee Trend of Grow-Your-Own

About five years back all the posh periodicals decided that growing your own veg wasn't just for grannies & muddy outdoor types. Suddenly weekend magazines included tips on carrots & marrows a few pages after the latest on high street Botox.

I think the whole fad was deeply effected by article writers' memories of the completely fictional world of the British sitcom The Good Life.

With the recession yet another wave of grow-your-ownism hit the media, when in actual fact the time you have to put into the pastime is not economic at all. That's why we have farmers & Tescos, right?

Looking after vegetables requires work & that's why it's little old ladies who potter in their gardens, and not stockbrokers with a patch of broad beans on the go.

Anyway, it's a fun hobby to try out & this year I have grown from seed tomato (green pots with flamingoes) pea (not pictured) and courgettes (yellow flowered plants).
I've spent about 50 hours in total over the months potting, repotting, watering, tying them, and so far not ONE vegetable or fruit.

Anyway, in my little Poundstretcher greenhouse I've just planted corn, lettuce, watermelon & strawberry. Late in the season for planting, but wanted to give them a go anyway.

Sickeningly twee.