Concerned About The Prospect of Sea Sickness On a Stena Line £12 Kids' Day Cruise? This Will Put Your Mind At Ease.


Last weekend Smix & I had a full scale adventure at sea, taking a Stena Line Day Cruise, which I reviewed in full for you. You spend six hours plus on board, so that may be daunting to anyone who experiences travel sickness easily.

I get very sick, almost instantly on any size of bus, so I can't partake in travel tours that use them for a leg of the journey. Planes I'm usually okay, trains are touch and go- I have to be facing forward on the journey. So I wasn't too sure about how the large ferry experience would go. I have been fine any other time I've been on the Stena Super Fast, but I've been sick on competitor's boats in years gone by.

So if you are concerned like me, you'll be pleased to hear this ship, and this crossing journey specifically seems grand.


There is one section of the journey just for about twenty minutes when you just pull out of Belfast Lough, and again right that spot on the return, where it gets a little choppy. So if you experience that on your trip, don't panic, it doesn't last long, it passes. Try to be near a window or outside for that part. Do not hide up in the toilets. I found the lack of sight line to outside to match the bobbing about made me queasy.


So here's a sped up, snippet jigsawed journey so you can see just how flat the waters were. This was February and a day where it was grey and drizzling on land in Belfast.

Lastly-  read all about the day cruises here. I reviewed the entire trip and gave you pointers to be prepared for your trip.

Another Day Trip Destination: Kilbroney Park Narnia Trail

Two weeks ago I shared with you the new family forest trail at Slieve-Gullion . My friend Karen tipped us off about a similar destination, The-Narnia-Trail at Kilbroney Forest Park. We hadn't been to Kilbroney before, but we had driven past the entrance to it several times whilst staying down in that direction. It's situated right outside Rostrevor, near Warrenpoint, which means if you are Bangor or Belfast based, like us, it is a bit of a hike, but given that it's summer you can take a day and maybe fit in Slieve Gullion too. We were staying not too far away, in Teepee Valley one night and Hanna's Close the next, but I shall tell you about them shortly.


Kilbroney Park has a large carpark which is free. The set up is a bit like Carnfunnock in that there's a good sized, free play park, and a multi-level restaurant/cafe. Plenty of free to use toilets too, and by the looks of things mountain bike trails and rentals. The day we were there there was a guy doing horse drawn carriage rides, I think it was about £3 an adult, £1 a child.

As for the Narnia Trail itself, it's great. I love any sort of sculpture walk, so these trails are right up my street. It's worth asking directions, as there are signs all over the place, but to actually get to the trail from the carpark you have to go down through the building and then down to your left, past where the outdoor gym equipment is. 


The trail then begins with a giant wardrobe, of course, and it's well signposted throughout. It's a lot shorter in length than the Giant's Lair walk; I'd say the Narnia one is only 1/4 mile in a small loop. You do go off road so to speak, down through wooded areas & over lawns. It's definitely worth a day trip however, with the added bonus of one of the citadels looking a little like Elsa's castle! 


Have a Free Day Out in Northern Ireland on Saturday 7th March

National Trust is opening its spectacular houses, gardens and industrial heritage sites across Northern Ireland for free on Saturday 7 March.

With spring on its way, the free day is an opportunity to explore the great outdoors, step back in time at an historic mansion or experience industrial heritage in action.


​Here’s a taster of where to go for your FREE day out:

In County Fermanagh there is something for all the family to enjoy at Florence Court, set against a beautiful backdrop of mountains and forests. You can also savour the stately grandeur of Castle Coole with its Lake Walk carpeted in stunning snowdrops. Or escape to the breathtaking Crom demesne where BBC showBlandings was filmed. (Note - National Trust places in Fermanagh will also be open for free on Sunday 8 March.)  

Described as one of the best gardens in the world, the impressive garden at Mount Stewart in County Down makes the most of the unique microclimate of the ArdsPeninsula – did you know it is the sunniest place in Ireland? Return in April and see the Londonderry family home restored to its former glory after a three year £7 million restoration programme.
Also on the shores of Strangford Lough is Castle Ward, with miles of walking and cycling trails and stunning views. Nearby, Rowallane Garden in Saintfield is a captivating natural garden with a dazzling variety of rare trees and shrubs fromacross the globe.

Along the North Coast follow in the footsteps of giants at the Giant’s Causeway, visit the stunning landscape of Downhill Demesne or stroll along Portstewart Strand and White Park Bay. Note: Carrick-a-Rede is normal admission on 7 March.


In Mid Ulster a tour of The Argory reveals this Neo-classical masterpiece has unchanged since 1900. You can also visit the charming 17th-century Ardress farmhouse or Springhill in Moneymore which has a beguiling spirit that captures the heart of every visitor.  

For a flavour of our Industrial Heritage visit the unique Patterson’s Spade Mill inTemplepatrick or Wellbrook Beetling Mill near Cookstown. Note: Gray’s Printing Press is closed.

For more information on the work of the National Trust, how to become a member and where to visit see

A Summer School Break Must-Visit, the Bangor Plant & Play Wildlife Garden


This afternoon little Michael & I took a spin over to the Plant & Play Wildlife Garden, just outside Bangor, very close to Donaghadee Garden Centre. If you are stuck for a day trip idea this coming summer, you can book a morning or afternoon at the Garden and leave your little ones in the hands of Vikki, the gardening expert.


You can relax at the shady picnic table area as your children play and learn. 

The first activity was bug hunting. We found slugs and spiders, much to the other little boy who was there's delight! 


Vikki has a fab way with children, and they listened as she pointed out the various vegetables and fruit growing in the planters.


The garden also has a gorgeous willow tree dome, which the children ran through as they caught bubbles in their nets.


We then went inside for a while to the bright education and craft space. There is a fun, grass carpeted playroom with cushions, cuddlies & blow up snakes and ladders.


Then came the part my Michael loves the best, crafts! He absolutely loves being artistic. The kids made paper flowers and flapping butterflies.


Vikki led us outside again for more play & a go on the outdoor musical instruments.


Vikki helped each child plant a spinach plant to take home, and gave them a work booklet to record how it grows, encouraging us to send it via Facebook to their page.


Next Vikki passed the kids sheets with silhouettes of various animal paw prints, and they searched the soil for tracks. She showed us where a fox arrives and sleeps in the long grass.

The last activity was guessing what certain plants smell like. I had to have a go at this myself!


We had to leave a little early, as you can stay and play from 2-4.30pm and Vikki was getting them set up to do some helpful weed digging as we went. There's a morning session too 10-12.30pm, but all visits must be pre-booked. There is ample free parking at the site.

I highly recommend an afternoon at the Plant and Play Garden, we were there for 90 mins and had a very relaxing time. Refreshments are also available, and raised beds for nurseries who don't have outside space to rent.

Vikki can also hold parties here if you fancy a unique birthday treat. Just give her a shout on Facebook


Prices- Children under two - free   Children over two - £4.50  Adults - £3.50

Cheese and Onion Crisp Flavoured Chocolate Bar from Tayto

I hadn't planned on blogging about this, but so many people are sharing my photo of this bar I added on my Facebook I reckon you all might like to see it too.

Tayto Ireland have made a limited edition chocolate bar with bits of their world famous Cheese and Onion crisps through it. I checked out and their online shop doesn't seem to stock it, and it was only released in the south of Ireland.

My husband went down to Dublin last night to see a Mastodon gig and I requested he brought me a bar back. I just had to try it! It tastes like sea salt Lindt only greasier. I certainly wouldn't buy it again, but I'm glad I got one to try.

Below are some photos of our Easter-time visit to the Tayto Factory in Northern Ireland, which is located in a castle. They run a 90 minute tour that takes you round the working factory and shows you the steps in making your favourite crisps. It has to be pre-booked through the website but its very cheap, very fun and informative and you get free crisps to take home!


Stena Pirate & Princess Cruise - a great day at sea


On Saturday we had a wonderful family day out thanks to Stena Line UK on their Pirates and Princesses Cruise.

The day cruise on the huge, swish Stena Superfast costs £10 per person, £5 for under threes, which is a decent price for an exciting activity packed adventure at sea. We left Belfast at 11.30am on a cold but sparklingly sunny morning, and started by checking into our Superfast Cabin on Deck 10.​

​Cabins are priced at £35 per leg of the journey (outward bound to Scotland, and homeward bound) but are completely optional, as the ship has many comfortable lounges to relax in during the entire day trip. We found the cabin a fabulous extra touch, as you can enjoy complimentary tea, coffee, chilled water and biscuits in your room when your little ones get tired from all the excitement.


We then hit the Sun Deck to see if we could spot our house on the journey out of Belfast Lough. The Superfast is massive, with so much to explore on each deck.​

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We also explored the various lounges. The Pod Lounge was a hive of activity, with Playstation Kinnect games to try out, free use of ipads, and for younger children entertainers were balloon modelling and face painting.​ This is also where the onboard cinema is located.

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There are quieter lounges to relax in too, and much to my excitement, retro and kitsch art objects decorating the ship.​

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Part of your day of free entertainment is a magic show. Northern Irish Magic Man Trevor Price has the kids in the palm of his hand, with classic magic tricks and jokes including a pink dove act. My son loved the show so much he insisted we saw it again on the return journey, and I can recommend going twice if your children do love it, as Trevor mixes up the act and you see different tricks in each show.

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There is a small soft play area, probably more suitable for under 4 year olds, which was surprisingly quiet given the amount of children on board. There is so much to do elsewhere that it was never overcrowded.​

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​By this point we had almost reached Scotland, so we took time out to get some lunch in the Superfast's Taste Restaurant. For quick meals it was absolutely delicious. My son had fish and chips and my husand had steak. I chose the Maple ribs which were so tender the meat just fell off the bone. It was like Bubbacue at sea. My husband was so jealous he hadn't ordered them too.

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We had arrived at Cairnryan. At this point passengers who were onboard for just the journey across disembarked. You have a 90 minute stop but you stay aboard the Stena Superfast during this time. ​

I went back up to our cabin and had a cuppa and some Scottish Shortbread, when in Rome style.​


Now there's a little known secret deck on the Superfast that made the trip extra special for me. The Nordic Spa is an oasis of calm with massages available from £10. I was treated to a gel nail manicure, then took some time in the Jacuzzi. It was my intention to spend five minutes there, then rejoin the boys on the lower decks, but it was just too nice and I ended up staying in paradise for about half an hour, until I noticed we were moving again and on our way back toward Belfast.


I hurried back to meet the boys who were busy taking part in the organised treasure hunt.​

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We caught the magic show again and then spent some time having coffee in our cabin. All too quickly we saw the familar coast of Larne and by 5.45pm we were docked in Belfast once more.​

Thank you, Stena for a great day out. There are Pirate and Princess Cruises sailing all spring and summer. Check dates and get more info on the Stena UK site.​ Keep up to date with news and offers on the Stena Facebook and Twitter.

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