Hard to Find Kids' Party Themes On Sale at Birthday Express

Birthday Express is the US-based site I used to get all the Aquabats party decorations for my son's sixth birthday. They literally have hundreds of party themes based on cartoons, films, sports etc. and right now there are savings to be had. So if you're planning to use them this calendar year, it would be worth placing an order now to take advantage of the bargains.


The Super Duper Heroes Birthday Party- The Aquabats

Thank heavens for Birthday Express! The UK doesn't stock Aquabats merch yet, as the first series has only been shown on CITV so far. I was able to source everything for my son's Aquabats Party in one place, and I think you'll agree, for a hired room in a leisure centre it looked really cool.

A word to the wise though- if you are having 24 kids in one room, all eating Haribo and feeding off each other's hyperness, keep the matching blowouts for the party bags. Do not put them on the tables. 24 excited children blowing 24 Aquabats party blowers is very, very loud. Still, the reviews from his friends were that it was the 'best party ever', so thank you Birthday Express for helping make it look so groovy.

birthday boy, very sweaty after the soft play area beforehand!

birthday boy, very sweaty after the soft play area beforehand!

costume $24.99 click photo to link to buying page, also available in adult sizes on costumeexpress.com I was tempted, I'll admit

costume $24.99 click photo to link to buying page, also available in adult sizes on costumeexpress.com I was tempted, I'll admit

click here to explore BirthdayExpress.com's extensive range of birthday party themes that you just won't find in the UK

click here to explore BirthdayExpress.com's extensive range of birthday party themes that you just won't find in the UK