The Two Week Drop a Jeans Size Challenge- Will Anyone Join Me?


Well it only took a week and I'm completely addicted to The New You Plan. I'm 'off plan' this weekend as I have some other food products to review, and Yogland NI to visit later today or tomorrow, but even then I've had two cups of their broth & one of their coconut meal bars today anyway. 

On Monday I plan to begin a stint of their program for two weeks as part of their drop a jean size challenge. I bought a New You product bundle with four products for each day. You can have any four items you like, but they advise only one meal replacement bar a day due to their mild laxative effect if you had more than that.

I didn't really get into which of the products I liked and which I didn't last week, so I'll run down the choices and what I thought of them now. It works out at just under £5 a day which I find quite reasonable as remember that you don't have to buy anything else like veg to bulk anything up.

Raspberry & chocolate orange flavours coming soon- will definitely need to try both as mousse

Raspberry & chocolate orange flavours coming soon- will definitely need to try both as mousse

Shakes count as one of your four products a day. Because I prefer to 'eat' my products than drink them as shakes or soup, I always make shakes into either lollies with a freezer mould, or mousse, by whizzing the powder in with a smaller amount of water and letting it set in the fridge. 

The flavours are banana (I avoid as I don't like banana anything), vanilla (makes a Mily Bar Button tasting mousse), chocolate (you can mix with coffee granules and heat to make a choco-latte), strawberry, hazelnut (I didn't like it) and mint chocolate (my favourite).


Soups next.  I used a Secret Slimmers Facebook Page hint and made my soup mixture into little crisps last week. Again that's because I want to eat my four products rather than be drinking one as soup. For that I'm guessing the chicken soup is the best, but I will try them with the vegetable and mushroom packs I have in this coming week. There is also a new flavour out, asparagus, which I'm yet to try.


The very low calorie meal section hold your next decisions.  There are a couple of products that I would deem as 'breakfast items'. I've ordered five oatmeals and five apple & cinnamon porridges to start my day with on the school days. These both are made very easily with boiling water and taste like regular Oats So Simple.

The other two breakfast products are Maple Pancakes and omelette. I have both to try still so I will probably use them next weekend and let you know then how I get on. 


The other meals are more suited to lunch and dinner. The Spicy Noodle Nosh & Chicken Noodle Curry are quite similar. The vegetable Chilli, carbonara and pasta broccoli all are great. They can take a bit of practice making up, and there is advice on presoaking and how best to cook the meals on the Facebook Page. The newest product is vegetable risotto, which I didn't order because I don't like risotto anyway!

The meal product that did it for me was the cottage pie. I found it the biggest serving, tastiest and easiest to cook and get right. I'll be almost living off it as I ordered so many! Big thumbs up. 

Cookie Cream

Cookie Cream

Meal replacement bars. These I love. Handy for quick breakfast, or to save as your final product of the day for some after dinner chocolate. My favourites are the Chocolate Cream Cookie, Hazelnut, Lemon and the new Coconut Bar. I could eat the coconut bar for every meal it's so tasty. There are also choices such as maple fruits, chocolate truffle and strawberry cereal. 

Coconut bar

Coconut bar

You can buy a bundle with just the straight four products a day, or you can add snacks which are ketosis friendly and recommended not to exceed two or three a week. 


Packs of crisps in BBQ, Salt and Vinegar or Onion soya chips. They are surprisingly big bags too. 


The other snack options are packs of wafers in several varieties, apple & cinnamon biscuits, chocolate mousse, hot chocolate, or BBQ nuts. 


The New You Plan means drinking a lot of water daily, between two and four litres. If you need a bit of help then there are water flavourings which you can use unlimited. Not just the cold drinks, but also a broth. I am totally addicted to this broth already. It's just like cup a soup, and with the days getting colder it's the ideal product to see you satisfied between meals. 


The final product I want to mention is the pineapple fat burner. These come in little sticks of powder that you mix with 250ml of water. Some people find they make them a bit hyper, so I've always stuck to mine first thing in the morning. I mix two in a 500ml bottle of icy water and drink it while I'm getting ready for the school run. 


So, is anyone interested in joining me? If you use the referral code VdxfiJV2 then I can get money off my own next order, so please use that if you do make a purchase. Thank you to whoever read and used my code so far!

I'm looking forward to starting on Monday and taking another step closer to my goal weight and size.

Tomorrow I Embark on The New You Plan!


I'm pretty excited because my package from The New You Plan has just arrived. I've always wanted to try one of the diet plans where you have a week's worth of food shipped to your door, and with The New You Plan being a Northern Irish company, it seemed like the perfect fit to trial and share my results with you. I will be following the plan strictly for one week, starting tomorrow morning.


The  New You Blog has some very impressive before and after posts, as well as tonnes of first hand stories about how other dieters found the plan to follow. The diet consists of choosing four New You Plan products a day, such as soups, shakes, low calorie meals and bars, which are specially tailored to let your body enter a state of ketosis. This in turn causes quite rapid weight loss, if followed properly. The plan also involves drinking a lot of water, one of the Secret Slimmers' Facebook pages mottos is, 'sip sip sip!'. I'm confident about being able to stick to the diet, but I'm terrible at getting water into me, so I asked the group for their tips on how to reach the daily target amount of liquids the plan suggests. I'll share those tips with you during this week.


I mentioned the Secret Slimmers' Facebook Page. It's a private group you can join to chat everything New You Plan with fellow slimmers. On there they share tips, successes and fails, and new starts like myself can ask questions about any part of the plan. A major key of The New You Plan over other delivery diets is the service doesn't just stop when the products reach your door. You'll be able to access a plethora of information, blogs and videos to keep you motivated while following the plan.


Safety and your health is another concern of the brand. They acknowledge a very low calorie diet isn't for everyone, and it definitely isn't recommended for long term without a break. They suggest twelve weeks followed by two weeks normal eating before entering the plan again. It's also best for those with a BMI over 25, and no underlying health issues that might be negatively effected by a low calorie diet. The meals are balanced to ensure you still get your full range of vitamins and nutrients. 


My BMI is currently 23, but using the New You Plan for a short kick start of losing the last weight I want to shed will be fine. So tomorrow I will share my weight, my goal, and show you what my first day's meals consist of, and whether I can manage the litres of water I'm dreading trying to get through! Wish me luck!  If you like the sound of the plan already, use my referral code VdxfiJV2 to get started picking meals and shaping your own plan.


*Week's trial provided for review purposes. Recommended to speak to your GP before embarking on a very low calorie diet plan. Results will vary from person to person*