Dinos, Ducks & Horseys, Snug Jammies from DaisychainBaby

Daisychain Baby is the stylish, Eco-friendly children's online clothing store for kiddywinkles aged 0-5. ​They sent my son these Ava & Luc Dinosaur pyjamas in age 4-5 to try. He's 5 and a half now, and they were a great fit. They are the sort of pyjamas that would make a lovely gift, noticeably better quality than a pair from a super market for example.

There are a great selection to choose from, and they arrive beautifully wrapped in tissue paper and ribbon, even handier if its a gift. ​

Fancy a pair, or in fact anything from www.DaisychainBaby.co.uk ? Use the code 'REVIEW' at the checkout for a big chunk of 20% off for The World of Kitsch readers.​
