23 Snaps- a Secure, Family Photo-sharing App

Photos of your own child are the most interesting photos you can ever take. For you anyway.

From the moment you clutch that grainy ultrasound of a squishy, squashy tummy bump, you're thinking 'this is going on Facebook'. 'Even better, this will make a fine profile picture'. Cue sighing of everyone else on your Facebook timeline.

Unfortunately, the only other interested parties would be your family or very close friends. That's where 23 Snaps comes in.

Download the free app & connect with Facebook to link your nearest and dearest to yourself.

You can then add age and name details for each of your precious ones, and in a clever feature it marks each photo upload with their exact age on that day.

I'm also thinking this could be a useful tool for diet weight loss photographs for an adult over time, as you can easily enter that data too.


www.23Snaps.com is available for iPad, iPhone and will soon be in Android app stores.

So download it, rope in the relatives and start documenting! Who knows, when little Ben or Susan is 17, instead of bringing out the photo albums to show their new girlfriend or boyfriend, you could just fire up 23 Snaps and show them what their embarrassed date looked like when they were precisely six years, seven months and three days old.