Day Seven : The New You Plan : Does It Work?

It's day seven, I've completed the week. So, has it been worth it, and what is my over all opinion on the plan? 


My starting weight was 9st 9.6lbs, and my finishing weight is 9st 6.4lbs, so I've lost 3 lbs. to be honest I expected more of a loss than that, as most people seem to have an initial loss of between 7-14lbs just in the first week. My result could be lower for a number of reasons however.  

Firstly my BMI to begin was 23 (it's now 22), and the higher your BMI the bigger the loss you are likely to get when you start a diet.

Secondly, when I was speaking to my friend Adam, who is a personal trainer, he said it could be that my body is properly hydrated for the first time, and that can add a little weight. Before I began the New You Plan I was lucky if I drank one litre of water a day, never mind the three to four I've been putting away daily the past seven days. So I could go back to drinking my normal tiny amount and probably see another 3 lbs come off overnight, but that wouldn't be a realistic reading, and long term you lose weight more easily if you stay hydrated, so I'm still going to keep pushing the water intake. 

So my scale reading wasn't quite as great as I expected, but I do wish I had taken measurements last week, as I'm quite sure my clothes are a good bit looser already. I put on my Asos leopard print coat this morning for the first time this autumn and its a size too big now! It feels like someone else's coat! So even though my stats might not show tonnes of weight loss, I'm positive that it is happening, and that gives me incentive to continue.

Continuing! The next subject to tackle! I have ordered a lot more product this past week, so I have enough to carry on for at least another fortnight. With The New You Plan, you get into a state of ketosis after three to four days, so you can't just have a couple of days off plan without having to start over again almost. There is a lot of information on their site however, of how to taper off or maintain.  

Personally I'm going to take a day's break from the plan tomorrow, but still eat as low carb as I can, and hopefully not knock myself out of ketosis, but it's a chance I have to take. 


The New You Plan is tough. I'm not going to pussyfoot around it and say it's not. Sticking to just the four products a day isn't doable for everyone. You have to be completely committed to wanting to lose the weight, and not cheat. Saying that, if you serious about it and stick to plan, there are tonnes of other people there to cheer you on in the Secret Slimmers Facebook Page. I've never been part of such a useful, encouraging online group before. There is always someone there to help you if you're struggling with the plan.  

So the plan is tough, but you will get results. It works, it's as simple as that. But how well it works depends on you and your willpower to stick to it. 

So carrying on into next week, what's my plan? I am going to get back into four products a day from Saturday, and see how I go. I AM losing weight, so I'm encouraged to keep going. I think The New You Plan will work great with my daily lifestyle now Michael is at school all day. I might not stick to it 100%, I may have days where I have five products, or a day where I have a Subway salad as one of the meals, but I am going to use The New You Plan to get to my goal weight of 8 stone 3lbs, because I'm confident it will work for me.


So have you been tempted to start your own weight loss journey from reading my blogs this week? There are lots of meal bundles to choose from to get you started, and if you enter the code VdxfiJV2 then you can help me get points towards my future purchases, so I'd appreciate it if you could! Remember this plan works best for people with a BMI over 25, and you should speak to your GP before beginning a low calorie diet. Thank you so much to The New You Plan for this trial week, I think the ultimate seal of approval is the fact I've ordered another two weeks' worth of products. Onwards to my goal!