WIN : The World of Kitsch & Cupcake Camp Ireland

I'm very excited to be sponsoring a category at this year's Cupcake Camp Ireland. I've put together a little hamper of goodies already. Head over to to find out about the bake-off and how to get involved.

"This year's CupcakeCamp is May 7th
in Queen's University's magnificent Great Hall
we'll be having competitions, prizes, demonstrations and more.
It's an event where people can buy or bake cupcakes to bring, or they can
just show up and eat cupcakes. It's really just an event for cupcake lovers born out of the
tech scene. But it's not all cosy munching. We want to see the most fantastical, beautiful and tastiest buns
about and it's all for Marie Curie Cancer Care, so just hit our tickets button and reserve your place, it's free after all."