Halloween 2022 - Spooky Cushions For A Comfy Autumn

I may have gone a bit overboard where Halloween cushions are concerned, and my bed is filling up with them before I even get previous years’ decorations out of the garage.

The Spooky Season velvet cushion is my favourite, which I found in TK Maxx. I haven’t seen it on their online store, but they do have a good selection of Halloween pillowcases to purchase there. That includes the retro style pillowcases I have on my bed.

Asda also has a wonderful selection of cushions, both spooky & cute. They also have duvet covers, blankets and lots more in their Halloween homeware online section. They have Disney themed bedding to match the Stitch cushion, and the Winnie the Pooh cushion, you really can go all out with your decoration for the season now.

Somewhere you might not initially think of for home items, but where I’ve found loads of cool autumn bits and bobs this year, is SHEIN. The large, retro style, purple ghost cushion cover on my bed is a SHEIN item, and I also nabbed this cute vampire kitty cover, which has a matching wall hanging which I’ll share on Instagram when I fully decorate in a few weeks.

It’s worth checking out SHEIN for decorations, but bear in mind shipping takes about two weeks for items to be with you in the U.K.