Hotel Chocolat Father's Day Gift Ideas, For Daddies with a Sweet Tooth

I'm going to embarrass my Dad here, but he has been known to buy sweets (Maltesers & Fry's Cream mostly) and hide them on top of the kitchen cupboards so my 5ft tall Mum can't find them & eat them! So he'd love any of these treats from Hotel Chocolat this Father's Day.

 The H-box Everything Selection for £13 has a delicious menu of dark, milk and white chocolates. 


The Father's Day gift box for £15 includes a tipple.


Or the solid Old Fossil for £8.50


The Pocket Selection is £9.00


For Dads with an adventurous taste, there is Cocoa Beer at £5.50 a bottle. I'm intrigued by this myself.


Hotel Chocolat even have beer flavoured chocolates!


A Thorntons' Tea Party on a Sunday Afternoon

Thorntons Continental chocolates always have happy memories for me. When I was a young teenager, my Mum would take me shopping for the day in Belfast and we would always get a little bag of cappuccino delights from Thorntons.  ​It always felt a bit grown up, rather than getting a bar of chocolate from the shop on the way home.

When Thorntons offered some delicious ​treats from their online gift selection for me to try, I instantly thought of sharing them with my Mum. These days though, my Mum is on a low sugar diet, due to finding out she had diabetes a few years ago. Worry not, the lovely folks at Thorntons replied, and they showed me their equally tempting No Added Sugar Selection Box!


Their gift boxes and hampers make ideal gifts for any occasion, and they offer a service of personalising a chocolate box with your own photograph.​

I decided that I definitely couldn't eat all these by myself, although I could have given it a good try. Instead I brought the selections round for dessert after Sunday Lunch at my parents' house. It was a lot of fun choosing and tasting the different chocolatey concoctions, especially with the ​Continental Chocolatiers Tasting Selection and my brother reading out the colourful descriptions from the box. A lovely and interesting alternative to a cake or regular Sunday lunch dessert, Maybe you could try it next time you have a family gathering too.
