The World of Kitsch- 2015 in Review Part 1- January - June
/Our Scotland trip
A look back over 2015 in blogs. From January to June we were still pre-Smix's vlogging career, and in our first half year living alone, just the two of us. We were finding our feet, sorting out our reshuffled family set up and settling into the twosome super-team we have now. Things were different, but over the months the change showed itself to be a positive; who would've known?
Blogging was slow as we had so much else on in 'real life' to get on with! Here's how January until June looked for the two of us.
Our new living room- all kitsched up
Lovely big kitchen space
In early February Smix & I moved home, from Carnalea to Bangor West, closer to my parents' house. Having M.E. means I need help sometimes. The stars collided with a guy from my year in Sullivan happening to be renting his home right as we needed one.
Lidl launched their fashion range in spring of 2015, adding clothing to a dossier of bargain ranges. Everyone was wondering would it be any good? Now a couple of collections down and with several pieces bought at excellent, competitive price points I can let you know their fashion buyers are doing a great job. The only hard aspect is catching the right week when the items you want hit your local store.
March also saw the famous Teenage Dreams mural reappear in East Belfast.
Smix finally learnt to ride his bike.
Yo Sushi opened in Belfast and straight away became our favourite place to dine. They are our first choice eating out destination above all others. We are both hooked and the staff even know us to see now. Smix brings his own chopsticks that my friend Gill kindly sent him.
Smix also made the Belfast branch in Minecraft and sent them his design, which in turn they showed all the big bosses! Very cool.
Judy giving me a hand
In spring I made some bunting with oil cloth with a step by step guide. It didn't last too wonderfully during the summer though. Will need more next year perhaps in a darker colour so weathering doesn't appear so obvious.
I tried making sushi at home- it was a disaster! We actually still have the Yo Sushi! Kit to try mind you. Maybe a Smix Brix project over Christmas?
In May we looked at two classic toys, a Brio Wooden train set and the Playmobil Victorian Mansion- the latter of which Santa brought me at the old age of 12-and I still was thrilled with it!
When we moved to our new house, it turned out it wasn't so new for one of us. A story so strange the local newspaper even featured it. Find out the curious secret in that blog post from May.
June, and the summer started with a bang as Stena Line sent us both on a day trip to M&D's theme park in Scotland! It's a long day, but we loved it and I think we will make it an annual trip.
One of my favourite brands to work with, who I get to do so with every couple of weeks, is Marks and Spencer. I absolute love trying their new Food Hall items, and at the end of June we had a fancy BBQ with their newest range.
June also saw the opening night of the Titanic Robots exhibition which ran all summer.
My favourite small trader this year has been Snixxy Swoons who operates on Etsy and EBay. She kindly sent me pieces to blog about, but I've also made return purchases as I love her chunky, wood cut, large statement necklaces & brooches.
Snixxy Swoons bird brooch £20
We had fun when we went along to learn Ground Espresso put together their summer drinks. With branches opening in our home town of Bangor, we will now be able to be more frequent Ground customers.
Smix didn't launch his YouTube channel until the second half of 2015, but before that he still helped me out with any toys that needed reviewed, like Yummy Nummies.
Second half of 2015 coming soon.