Have You Ever Noticed The Branch of Aldi in Back to the Future?
/Wonderfully pointless but amusing photoshopping Tumblr blog by @MichaelMPhysics High Street Shops in Sci-fi Films. Just because.
Wonderfully pointless but amusing photoshopping Tumblr blog by @MichaelMPhysics High Street Shops in Sci-fi Films. Just because.
My brother & his soon to be wife Nicki held a coffee morning to raise money for the missionary work they are heading off to do this summer, straight after their honeymoon. I must see if they have a Just Giving page or the likes, so any of my readers who would like to help them can donate.
They've done this particular Methodist mission a few years before too. They go to Ibiza in the busiest season and work on the streets helping those who are worse for wear. Picking people up, getting them medical help if they've been injured, making sure girls who lose their friends get back to their hotel safely etc. It's a mucky type of modern missionary work, cleaning sick off clothes and dealing with aggressive party goers, but its nice to know young people like them are still willing to give up their summer to support their peers. And it gives a much more positive image of Christians than just standing outside nightclubs shaking their heads and forcing people to take pamphlets.
Anyway! The coffee morning to raise money was in Carickfergus, a town about 40 mins drive from us, where Nicki's Dad is the minister, and where they will be getting married in a matter of weeks' time. Carrick is filled with grotty charity shops. I use that term affectionately as shops like Oxfam and Heart Foundation are sleek and usually have a manager on a salary, which is why they don't have tons of crappy ornaments or gypsy paintings any more. Well, Carrick still has the old fashioned junk shop style charity stores, and I am so happy about it.
Lots of weird bits, but my one purchase was the very cool 1990s' badges. My son didn't come browsing with me. He stayed to man the book stall at the coffee morning, where he was a mini-Apprentice, putting the pressure on the elderly to buy novels!
As heard on BBC Radio 6's Lauren Laverne Show.