LAST NIGHT FOR VOTES, PLEASE HELP! Vote for in the Cosmo Blog Awards 2013.

Without coming off all sob-story, I've literally been too sick recently to keep on top of things. Anaemia mixed with M.E. has turned my brain to mush and I'd forgotten to ask all you readers and friends to vote for me in this year's Cosmopolitan Magazine Blog Awards.​

​You'll need to put in your own email address to confirm its not me nominating myself a thousand times, the URL of the blog (the 'The' is vital as there's a similarly named website that isn't mine). When I've previously entered its always via the Lifestyle Category, but if you feel I fit anywhere else in their drop down menu, that's fine with me. The blog is well over a year old, so click no on that question, and that's about it!


​Why do I want to win a Cosmo Blog Award?

​The Cosmo Blog Awards is the longest running glossy magazine blogger competition. it's like the Blog Olympics. Blogging is my passion and hobby, and just as local football team hanker after winning the league, I get butterflies in my tummy wishing to place in the Cosmo Blog Awards.

Cosmopolitan Magazine KNOW bloggers. They've been reaching out to help us, and open up the world of media for us more than another women's magazine. In their first ever awards I won Highly Recommended in the Lifestyle Catagory, which propelled The World of Kitsch up a notch in the early days. Cosmo's seal of approval is a way of PR brands knowing you're a well read blog with a big outreach.​

After my win I was invited by Cosmopolitan Magazine to write a series of online pieces for them, which was mind-bogglingly (mind-BLOGgingly?) cool for me. ​

​in 2011 the blogging world had exploded and thousands more blogs entered, I didn't even get into the finals that year, this is why I am pleading with you to help me with a quick 2 minute vote here, I really do need every little vote. 

Ive worked so hard on keeping The World of Kitsch going this year despite ill health and I would be feel fit to burst with excitement if I managed another place in the finals this time around.​


​In 2012 I made it into the finals of the Lifestyle Category again, much to my surprise and absolute delight. The Award Ceremony always takes place in London, and I'm in Northern Ireland, so I always get to go 'on tour'. I enjoy travelling alone, feels very jet setting. This isn't paid as part of any prize, but its one of the best bits. 

Although being a finalist, I didn't win, but my London-based twitter friend Lolly won the Sex Blog Category so I was happy one of us did! I also got to stay in the craziest hotel in London, so if I do make the finals this autumn, expect more unusual sights and sounds from my trip.


So in conclusion, every little no,inaction makes a difference, and if you've enjoyed anything on The World of Kitsch this year, then please do take a moment and place me in the Lifestyle Category here. Thank you in advance. ​