Kitsch but Beautiful Gypsy Wagons
/The UK is talking gypsies, with the Channel 4 documentary show, "My Big, Fat, Gypsy Wedding" causing quite a stir on twitter.
Gypsy style is textbook kitsch. The jazzing up and glorification of little caravans with marble kitchens and ornate pillars is modern kitsch at it's finest.
The artwork I feature regularly often is of gypsies. Dallas Simpson daubs barefooted children, and J H Lynch paints buxom gypsy women.
Gypsy kitsch, both retro and current is rife, but during an eBay trawl I came across these GYPSY WAGONS for £30,000.
You can't deny these wagons are absolutely beautiful. The craftwork and design is amazing. Kitsch, maybe, but definitely not the gaudy neon image Channel 4's show is presenting us.