My Son Asked Santa For Kitsch For Christmas... I’ve Never Been So Proud. Knitted Toilet Roll Poodle Covers- Where To Buy Them In 2018 Britain.
/Specsavers had a quirky little ad campaign for Christmas 2017 that ran along the lines of showing a tacky present, like a gnome, a toilet shaped mug, flamingo slippers, or a knitted poodle toilet roll cover like the ad above, and the tag line, ‘Get something more useful this Christmas, like a free eye test’.
Well Smix spotted the ad with the baby blue knitted Poodle in the Bloomfield Specsavers’ store window, and immediately added it to his Santa list.
As the Santa list read 1. laptop, 2. Candyfloss Making Machine and 3. Blue Toilet Roll Poodle, you can see it was quite a high priority item for the elves to find this unusual and rare item, plucked straight from the 1970s by Specsavers’ ad folks, so Santa’s elves must have broken into a cold sweat when Smix’s list dropped down the chimney with that request.
Luckily for the elves, they found Gifts Galore 1962! Who for £3.99 plus £3.00 shipping can make a Toilet Roll holding Poodle in many colours, the colour of your choice in very short notice (turn around for Smix’s Poodle was a couple of days)
Come Christmas morning Smix was delighted! The second generation of Kitsch was passed down.
Let me know if you order a poodle of your own!