Is This The Most Beautiful, Twee & Magical Interiors Instagram Feed in Ireland & the UK? Pretty much, Yep.

I want to share KawaiiGirl79's Instagram feed with you. Her amazing feed came as a shock to me, as I met her through our sons both being in the same class in school. We had her son round to play, and as I chatted to Claire she mentioned she loved blogs. I gave her my link and she sent me her Instagram feed. Now I pretty much assumed I was the bee's knees when it came to being the social media mother of the class, but when I clicked on Claire's online world I almost spat out my cup of tea. The KawaiiGirl79 Instagram she runs has over 26,000 followers! I have only 1037 Instagram followers, and even on Twitter I'm just shy of 4,000, so to find someone by coincidence, locally, who lives practically backing onto our house, was super cool.

The photos from Claire's Instagram speak for themselves and why it's so popular. Her home is a bright, white, clean space with pastel tones and quirky interior features. It's what I would love my home to look like, and many other worldwide viewers must agree by the thousands of likes the photos get. Follow her and you can enjoy them too.
