The Coolest Dishwasher You'll Ever See- My Top Picks from

Appliances Online have relaunched their excellent site with some of the best household brands available. I checked out the fresh new site and picked my favourite items from their retro styled collection. ​

​They are currently running a competition to win £1000 of Bosch items, so it's well worth clicking through to AO even if you aren't currently planning on any big purchases.

​The classic mint green Smeg fridge, a beauty.

​The classic mint green Smeg fridge, a beauty.

​Smeg Zingy Lemon Dishwasher, wow.

​Smeg Zingy Lemon Dishwasher, wow.

​Whirlpool microwave. Suddenly my white basic one seems redundant. I need this.

​Whirlpool microwave. Suddenly my white basic one seems redundant. I need this.

Another cool feature of the relaunch is their very own lifestyle blog, curated by ​Kimberly Hughes. She's a retro lover like me.
