Look at those goodies! It was almost worth the sleepless night!
The Silent Night site has a dedicated section with tips and facts on sleep including a sleep clinic if you have questions http://www.silentnight.co.uk/sleep-matters/
Some of the main pointers for maintaining good sleep routines are:
1. Having a relaxing, clutter-free sleep environment. Keep the bedroom for bed. No iPads, laptops or phones in bed (this would be a tough one for me!)
2. Have a winding down routine. We used to do this with our kids, half an hour before bed you quiet them down, read a story etc. A relaxing bath perhaps with lavender is also a natural way to make you sleepy.
3. No caffeine before bed. Drink juice or water, or even hot milk.
4. If you wake during the night, don't check the time. You will only start worrying how little sleep you are getting or have left. Just relax, breathe and think about using whatever time is left to relax.
5. Exercise. It can reduce stress and help you sleep more deeply.
6. Eat breakfast 30 mins after waking. Again it starts your body getting used to a routine.
Have you any tips I might be able to add or use? Let me know on Twitter, I'm @rudedoodle, and Silent Night are @silentnightbeds