Kitsch but Beautiful Gypsy Wagons

The UK is talking gypsies, with the Channel 4 documentary show, "My Big, Fat, Gypsy Wedding" causing quite a stir on twitter.

Gypsy style is textbook kitsch. The jazzing up and glorification of little caravans with marble kitchens and ornate pillars is modern kitsch at it's finest.

The artwork I feature regularly often is of gypsies. Dallas Simpson daubs barefooted children, and J H Lynch paints buxom gypsy women.

Gypsy kitsch, both retro and current is rife, but during an eBay trawl I came across these GYPSY WAGONS for £30,000.
You can't deny these wagons are absolutely beautiful. The craftwork and design is amazing. Kitsch, maybe, but definitely not the gaudy neon image Channel 4's show is presenting us.

My friend Ron is getting 'Wabazzled' for Charity

Vajazzling isn't something I thought would ever feature on The World of Kitsch. Of course the practice of attaching stick on jewels to one's nether regions is definitely kitsch, but I mostly deal with tamer ornaments.

My old flatmate Aaron (@theronster) is daring to go where no man has gone before, and be 'Wabazzled' (thanks @rinkyrinky) to raise money for Aware Defeat Depression, a Northern Irish Charity.

You can donate here

And follow @theronster on twitter if you care to see the finished results. I don't think The World of Kitsch is ready to host such sexy images!